Germany, Low End Virtual, Luxvps

Celebrating LuxVPS’s Birthday: Spectacular Deals and an Exciting Giveaway Await! πŸŽ‰πŸ°

LuxVPS has just celebrated its second anniversary!

Congratulations to the team! Reaching two years in operation is quite the milestone for hosting services, as many do not survive that long. Passing this mark typically indicates a likelihood of long-term stability, though there are exceptions.

Honestly, the deals offered by LuxVPS have always seemed almost unbelievably good. For example, offering 16GB of RAM and 100GB of storage space for just 5€ per month? That’s remarkable! And 26GB of RAM for only 10€ a month? Absolutely extraordinary!

This year, the birthday celebration is all about rewarding the customers.

Birthday Offer #1

  • 4 vCores (Xeon 2680v2)
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 100 GB Raid 1 NVMe
  • Price: 5€ Monthly
  • [ORDER]

Birthday Offer #2

  • 4 vCores (Xeon 2680v2)
  • 26 GB RAM
  • 150 GB Raid 1 NVMe
  • Price: 10€ Monthly
  • [ORDER]

Birthday Offer #3

  • 4 vCores (Ryzen 5900X)
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 150 GB Raid 1 NVMe
  • Price: 15€ Monthly
  • [ORDER]

Plus a Giveaway!

LuxVPS is also hosting a giveaway on their Discord. Prizes

  • 5 Winners of one KVM Rootserver Starter (Premium)
  • 5 Winners of 10€ credit each
  • 5 Winners of 20€ credit each – Enter here:

Join their Discord channel.

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