Dallas, Frankfurt, Germany, Johannesburg, Low End Virtual, South Africa, Texas, Virtarix

Virtarix Unveils Affordable VPS Deals in Johannesburg, Frankfurt, and Dallas – Plus An Exclusive Promo Code!

Welcome to Virtarix!

We are excited to explore the offerings of Virtarix, particularly as they are based in Johannesburg and extend their services to Dallas, Texas, and Frankfurt, Germany, covering multiple major global regions. Here’s more about them directly:

At Virtarix, we define ourselves not just as a cloud hosting provider, but as a committed partner in your digital journey. Established with the intent to provide cost-effective cloud computing solutions, our goal is to provide strong, reliable, and scalable services that accelerate the success of entrepreneurs and businesses worldwide. We maintain our promise by adhering strictly to our three foundational principles: Innovation, affordability, and customer satisfaction.

Discover exceptional VPS hosting with Virtarix. Our services are renowned for their remarkable value and efficiency, with data centers strategically deployed across three continents to ensure fast and dependable service. Benefit from added features like DDoS Protection, Free Backup, and Snapshots. Choose Virtarix for a hosting solution that genuinely prioritizes your business needs.

What do they have in store for you? Consider a 6GB, 3-core VPS offering 50GB of NVMe storage, unlimited bandwidth, with snapshot and backup options, all for just $5.50 per month! Plus, grab an opportunity to secure this deal for just $2.75 per month for the first three months!

Many bigger plans available. In fact, this might be our first ever 128GB VPS offering! Truly remarkable.

Definitely worth a look! Explore their website and their legal terms. If you have any questions, feel free to contact @pf_VX on LowEndTalk. Now, continue reading to see if there’s a plan that suits your needs!

Exclusive Promo Code

Use the code LaunchLEB to get 50% off for the first three months!

Datacenter and Network Information

Datacenter Name: FRA1

Datacenter Name: DAL1

Datacenter Name: JHB1

Host Node Specifications

CPU: 2 x Intel Xeon Gold 6xxx (depends on DC, Node)

RAM: 1TB(+) DDR4

Storage: NVMe Only

Network: Redundant 10Gbps with DDoS Mitigation

VPS Offers

VPS S – Small Traffic Websites

  • RAM: 6 GB
  • vCPU: 3 CPU cores
  • Storage: 50 GB NVMe disk space
  • Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Snapshots: 1 snapshot
  • Backup slots: 1 backup slot
  • IP: Dedicated IP address
  • Root access: Full root access
  • Price: $8.25 for 3 months (usually $5.50/month)
  • [ORDER in Dallas]
  • [ORDER in Frankfurt]
  • [ORDER in Johannesburg]

VPS M – Medium Traffic Apps

  • RAM: 16 GB
  • vCPU: 6 CPU cores
  • Storage: 100 GB NVMe disk space
  • Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Snapshots: 1 snapshot
  • Backup slots: 1 backup slot
  • IP: Dedicated IP address
  • Root access: Full root access
  • Price: $16.10 for 3 months (usually $11.40/month)
  • [ORDER in Dallas]
  • [ORDER in Frankfurt]
  • [ORDER in Johannesburg]

VPS L – For Large Websites

  • RAM: 32 GB
  • vCPU: 8 CPU cores
  • Storage: 200 GB NVMe disk space
  • Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Snapshots: 2 snapshots
  • Backup slots: 2 backup slots
  • IP: Dedicated IP address
  • Root access: Full root access
  • Price: $29.40 for 3 months (usually $19.60/month)
  • [ORDER in Dallas]
  • [ORDER in Frankfurt]
  • [ORDER in Johannesburg]

VPS XL – For E-commerce Websites

  • RAM: 64 GB
  • vCPU: 12 CPU cores
  • Storage: 400 GB NVMe disk space
  • Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Snapshots: 2 snapshots
  • Backup slots: 2 backup slots
  • IP: Dedicated IP address
  • Root access: Full root access
  • Price: $54 for 3 months (usually $36.00/month)
  • [ORDER in Dallas]
  • [ORDER in Frankfurt]
  • [ORDER in Johannesburg]

VPS XXL – Huge E-commerce Websites

  • RAM: 128 GB
  • vCPU: 16 CPU cores
  • Storage: 600 GB NVMe disk space
  • Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Snapshots: 3 snapshots
  • Backup slots: 3 backup slots
  • IP: Dedicated IP address
  • Root access: Full root access
  • Price: $83.40 for 3 months (usually $55.60/month)
  • [ORDER in Dallas]
  • [ORDER in Frankfurt]
  • [ORDER in Johannesburg]

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